
Institutional Effectiveness uses Qualtrics CoreXM for our in-house surveys, and we have an enterprise license that gives UR faculty, staff and students free access to the survey platform. To activate your account, access the UR Qualtrics site and enter your UR NetID and password. Now you’re ready to to create a survey! Qualtrics offers extensive online training materials to help you get started quickly.

  • Learn to Use Qualtrics CoreXM: To access these training videos, you will need to log in--select "Sign in with SSO," enter "richmond" as the Organization ID, and click "Continue."
  • Getting Started with Qualtrics: This page may also be helpful for learning the basics of each area of the Qualtrics CoreXM Platform.
  • Qualtrics Topics from A to Z: This page includes an A to Z guide of Qualtrics features and frequently searched terms and phrases.
  • Collaborate on Projects: Visit this page for step-by-step instructions on how to share surveys with others. Note that you decide which permissions each person has, so if you do not want a person to have access data, do not select that option.
  • Support Portal: To request Qualtrics support, you must first log in — select "Sign in with SSO," enter "richmond" as the Organization ID, and click "Continue" then submit an online request. You will be given options for phone, chat, or email support.